Free Ebook BookDesapegarse sin anestesia Cómo soltarse de todo aquello que nos quita energía y bienestar (Biblioteca Walter Riso) (Spanish Edition)

Read Desapegarse sin anestesia Cómo soltarse de todo aquello que nos quita energía y bienestar (Biblioteca Walter Riso) (Spanish Edition)

Read Desapegarse sin anestesia Cómo soltarse de todo aquello que nos quita energía y bienestar (Biblioteca Walter Riso) (Spanish Edition)

Read Desapegarse sin anestesia Cómo soltarse de todo aquello que nos quita energía y bienestar (Biblioteca Walter Riso) (Spanish Edition)

You can download in the form of an ebook: pdf, kindle ebook, ms word here and more softfile type. Read Desapegarse sin anestesia Cómo soltarse de todo aquello que nos quita energía y bienestar (Biblioteca Walter Riso) (Spanish Edition), this is a great books that I think are not only fun to read but also very educational.
Book Details :
Published on: 2012-10-01
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Original language: Spanish
Read Desapegarse sin anestesia Cómo soltarse de todo aquello que nos quita energía y bienestar (Biblioteca Walter Riso) (Spanish Edition)

One of the worst psychological ills that exist is emotional attachment. This type of dependency not only causes suffering and infidelity, but it also creates an obstacle to personal growth.  Walter Riso demonstrates that attaching oneself to a person, object, activity, or sentiment in an obsessive or irrational way impedes obtaining a full and happy life. These pages invite us to leave behind what we do not need, that which imprisons and ties down our development, reducing the capacity we have to decide and act. Detaching oneself does not mean renouncing passions or goals, or demonstrating indifference to others. Contrarily, it deals with assuming a free existence, without encrypting individual wellbeing or the meaning of life in a specific aspect of reality.
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